Changing Your Background:
You can change your background when using the illustration model streaming feature.
To set the background, follow the steps below.
1. Tap the "Stream" button.
2. Tap the paint roller tab.
3. Select a design and color.
4. Finalize your background.
*You can change the background image by selecting the "Background" tab.
*You can change the color of the background image by selecting the "Color" tab.
*We recommend uploading an illustration with a transparent background, as the background you set will only be seen if the illustration has a transparent background.
Changing an Illustration:
You can upload and change the illustration for your illustrated model streaming as many times as you wish.
To change your illustration, follow the steps below.
1. Tap the "Stream" button.
2. Tap the character tab.
3. Tap the "Update Illustration" button.
4. Select an illustration from an image folder or your camera roll.
5. Select a recognition method between Reg, A, or B (Between Illustration Animator Ver. 2 or Ver. 3).
6. Tap the "Upload" button.
*You cannot save more than one illustration at a time.
*Once set, you cannot delete it or revert to the default image.
Information on the Illustration Animator Ver. 2:
The Illustration Animator allows you to select a recognition method. If you have problems loading illustrations with Regular mode, choosing A or B may help fix the problem.
*Please note that the Illustration Animator is still under development and may change in the future.