The following permissions are required if you choose to link an X account and log into the IRIAM app using your X account:
- Check your account's posts (including private ones), lists, and collections displayed on the account's timeline.
- Review your profile information and account settings on your account.
- See who you follow, mute, and block.
- Follow and unfollow other accounts.
- Change the profile and account settings on the account.
- Send and delete posts on the account, and engage with (like, unlike, reply to, repost, etc.) posts from other accounts.
- Create, manage, and delete lists and collections on the account.
- Mute, block, or report other accounts.
According to X's specifications, the app can select three types of permissions: "Read-only", "Read/Write", and "Read/Write and DM".
The IRIAM app provides the option to post when starting a stream or while viewing a stream. For this feature, it is necessary to select "Read/Write", and the above eight permissions are required for this category.
Please note that X sets access permissions on an app-by-app basis, so you cannot select different permissions for each user. (For example, if you are on an account that you do not want to post the start of a stream for, set it to read-only.)
Most of the requested permissions are not required by IRIAM. Still, due to X's specifications, you cannot pick individual permissions to allow. All permissions must be granted access at the time of verification.
Thank you for your understanding.