IRIAM has a definition of what consists of a day for streaming, and what consists of a day for other features of the app. Please see below for details on each.
IRIAM's Definition of a Day for Streaming:
*The day will change at 4:00 AM (EDT)/3:00 AM (EST)/8:00 AM (UTC).
The definition of a day for streaming is from 4:00 AM (EDT) to 3:59 AM (EDT) the next day.
*If your stream goes past 4:00 AM, it will be counted as a stream from the day it started (the previous day).
e.g. A stream starts at 2:00 AM (EDT) on January 1 and ends after 4:00 AM (EDT) on January 1:
Even though 2:00 AM (EDT) is technically January 1, the daily reset time of streams occurs at 4:00 AM (EDT), so the stream will count for 12/31.
Definition of a Day for Other Features:
For the following features, a day is defined as 12:00 AM (EDT) to 11:59 PM (EDT).
- Login bonuses
- Diamonds
- Fan Badges
Please check the FAQ below for details on each function.
- Login Bonuses
- Diamonds
- Fan Badges
*Please note that after the end of daylight savings on the first Sunday of November, the definition of a day for the features noted above will be defined as 11:00 PM (EST) to 10:59 PM (EST)