When you apply to cash out, the number of Diamonds you specify will be cashed out to your registered account.
If you did not register an account when you submitted your application, you will need to do so.
You can register your account information by following the steps below.
Registering Account Information:
1. Go to My Page, Diamonds Owned, and tap Cash Out/Manage Diamonds
2. Tap "To the Website" to launch the web page
3. Tap the "Register account information" button and enter the required information
*You can register your account information when the "Diamonds Owned" on your My Page is 500 or more.
*Only "personal accounts" can be used for Diamond redemption requests. Transfers to corporate accounts are not permitted.
*You can only register with a United States savings or checking account.
Please check the FAQ below for information on applying to cash out:
- How to Cash Out Diamonds