We apologize for the inconvenience.
If you can't log in to the account you want to use, here are some of the most likely reasons.
- The account/email address you tried to log in with differs from the account/email address you use.
- Example: Mistaking the address entered for another, typing errors, entering the wrong uppercase and lowercase letters, and similar issues.
- Registered using another method
- X
- Apple ID
- Google account
- Email address
- LINE authentication
If you have multiple X accounts or email addresses, please try logging in with all the accounts and email addresses you remember.
If you have registered your email address and cannot log in after trying all the email addresses you remember, there is a chance that the password you entered is incorrect.
In that case, please follow the steps below to reset your password.
[How to reset your password]
1. Launch the app
2. Tap "Log in" when the title screen appears
3. Tap "Forgot your password?" near where you input your password
4. Enter your registered email address once the password reset screen is displayed
5. Tap the "Send" button at the bottom of the screen
6. Please follow the instructions in the email sent to your registered email address.
Please note that even if we receive an inquiry regarding a user's account information, we cannot provide any information due to security reasons.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.